Looking to elevate your team’s performance? We’re your one-stop shop for HR and event solutions designed to empower your team and achieve business success.

From leadership development and cultural transformation to engaging team building events and expert HR guidance, we offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to your needs. Take your Marbella team to the next level – contact us today!

Boost your leadership!

  • Mastering remote & hybrid leadership
  • Effective communication – rhetoric and presentation
  • Power-up as a new manager
  • Leadership core discovery

Raise the bar!

  • Craft vision, mission, and strategy like a pro!
  • Creative jam sessions: Product/service brilliance!
  • Navigate change with finesse!
  • M&A roadmap: Preparing for the big move

Get your formalities right!

  • Streamlined policies & handbook perfection
  • Compensation & benefits management
  • Education & training strategies
  • Procedure and process refinement

Empower your team!

  • Elevate your team’s performance to new heights
  • Setting and achieving the right goals and objectives
  • Mastering performance management
  • Building trust and confidence within your team


Looking to host a showstopping event in Costa del Sol or elsewhere around the world? Pink Palms is your one-stop shop for event production, from conception to execution. We specialize in creating, producing, and managing a wide range of events, including meetings, conferences, kick-off events, anniversaries, and celebrations. 

Our team of experts in Spain will ensure your event is a resounding success and we are good at what we do.


Here is why Pink Palms is a good idea!

Expertise in People & Culture: We blend our deep understanding of people dynamics with a keen sense of organizational culture to tailor events that resonate with your team.

Organizational Development: We go beyond event planning to contribute to the overall development of your organization, ensuring a lasting impact on both individuals and the company as a whole.

Event Execution Excellence: Our meticulous attention to detail ensures flawless event execution, leaving you free to focus on what truly matters – the growth and success of your business.

Join us at Pink Palms, where we turn gatherings into growth opportunities and help your business and your people shine. Elevate your events, elevate your teams, and let’s embark on a journey of Business Brilliance together!